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What Happens When You're Depressed

Depression can lead to feelings of low mood and other symptoms.


1. Appetite: You could lose your appetite and develop a inclination to overeat.

2. Concentration: Some people have difficulty focusing when listening to music or reading books.

3. Energy: You may feel exhausted, have little energy, or not be motivated to do the things you want.

4. Interest: There are times when hobbies and sex may become less interesting and you feel like there's no joy in them.

5.Movement: It's possible that others notice you are speaking or moving slower than before. Or you might feel more restless and fidgety than normal, or move more.

6. Self-worth can be a feeling of self-worth. You may feel like a failure.

7.Sleep: You might find it difficult to fall asleep, wake up multiple times each night, or have difficulty sleeping. You might also feel that you sleep too little and find it difficult getting up.

8.Thoughts on self-harm: You might even think that you want harm to yourself in another way. These thoughts are very distressing.

If you recognize any of the above symptoms in yourself-particularly if they've been going on for a couple of weeks or longer, or they're severe, consult your psychiatrist without delay. Many treatments are available, including medication or talking therapies. They can help you get on track.

Common reasons why you feel low

Depression isn't always a sign of depression. Below are other common causes that low mood can turn into depression.


  • Bereavement: The natural response to the death or major life events is to experience a period of mourning. This can often last several weeks, months, or even years. Sometimes other life events like divorce or loss of a job can cause feelings of depression. Seek medical help if you feel the death of a friend is affecting you more than expected or if you find it difficult to go on with your day.


  • Depression is a sign of illness. Talk to your Psychiatrist Austin TX immediately if your depressive symptoms persist for more than a few days or become very severe.


  • Medication can cause depression. Examine the information sheets provided with any medication to see if there are possible effects on mood. If in doubt, consult your psychiatrist.


  • Stress: Feeling stressed out or under pressure at work, home or at the office can cause depression and stress.


If you have depression symptoms, it can take courage to start the journey towards recovery. There is a good chance you can get better if you seek the help of a psychiatrist.


To Know More : AuraMD Psychiatrist TX

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